A Workshop is Announced: Thurs July 28th, IASIL (Cork)


Apologies to our readers for the sporadic blogging schedule of late – myself and the team have been working flat out on the project’s fancy new website for the last few weeks!

Our new site goes live next week, when we take this show on the road to the 2016 IASIL conference, at University College Cork.  On  Thursday July 28th, we’ll be doing a workshop demonstrating our research and some of the new site’s functionality (at 16.00) and then holding a launch party in the evening (19.30).  If you happen to be at the conference, please come by and have a peek!

(I can neither confirm nor deny that there will be awesome free stuff at the launch – but there will definitely be wine.)

paris a table - party
A little data for you, sir?

I personally am very excited about what we’ve got in story – podcasts! videos! data! motion graphics! never-before-seen footage of me making awkward faces while reading Joyce! – and can’t wait to unleash it on the unsuspecting public conference.  So if you’re interested in finding out more about what we do here (when we’re not posting snippets of people being rude to one another from old books) just stay tuned.

Links will go up on the blog as soon as the site is officially ready to launch!


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